I like making mundane things fun by coming up with a simple game to pass the time, be it on long car rides or even out and about at the mall.
Recalling that have a booklet of vouchers and was going to be at Tampines Hub, to make walking around less boring, we turned it into a scavenger hunt of sorts. Ok, I confess, I came up with the idea to distract her from wanting to enter the toy shop around the corner.

We chose a few vouchers we could use today and off she went to hunt for the establishments depicted on the selected vouchers. Sure she can easily spot the shop/brand logo but when not within line of sight, we made use of the unit number on the voucher and the unit number of the shops closest to us to estimate how much further we had to walk. That in itself is the intangible skill of ‘estimation’. You may recall questions in our big stakes exam (PSLE) about the mass or height of a stack of coins (long before the Helen & Ivan saga).
Wherever possible, she reads the text on the voucher and choose the correct dollar bill to pay the lady at the counter.

At the end of the day, I got the pizza for her and the brothers at a discount and avoided several shops not on my list. I say, that’s a win for daddy today!