Our Network

Cardboard Crew
(Will be rebranded to SIBM “Singapore International Boardgame Meetup”) - This is where the humble beginnings of Gamerdad in this industry started. The chance meeting at MakerFaire in 2018. Learning the ropes of game hosting from the master himself, studying the needs and potential ofa this niche hobby environment and diving deeper into the world of modern tabletop games. Not just him, but the elder children have all helped to volunteer to share / teach games at Basecamp at one time or another.

Criticals & Fumbles
Criticals & Fumbles started off as a bunch of old men playing an old-school game of Dungeons & Dragons. They’re now extremely busy every weekend with their RPG outreach program to run regular FREE Learn to Play and Learn to Paint sessions. They call Gamerdad to DM for family groups and/or children when possible.

This is the local filmmaker / director we work with to produce video content and when needed, GGE helps with the talent scouting for their productions. Currently, GGE is providing the talent(s) for Edutainment.sg currently-in-development children’s/language show.

Local game designers who meet regularly to playtest and share ideas. Within this group, there’re local guys who have published their own games and links to manufacturing facilities in China, Malaysia or Taiwan, and work in publishing companies like CMON.

Tabletoptavern Blog
For the love of boardgames, we’ve spent some time together to visit many game cafes across the island for the purpose of doing reviews and recommendations.

This is a manufacturing partner.

Battlequarters @ Xpidemix
Retailing partner. We use the space to conduct our RPG community building with LTP (Learn-to-play), regular or miniatures painting sessions every Saturday. Most private sessions will also be here. All C/F players and Gamerdad friends enjoy a 10% discount at the store.

ByDefinition Pte Ltd
By Definition Pte Ltd is a social enterprise that researches, develops and delivers developmental programmes through partnerships with schools, businesses and community organizations.

Elefpi Learnscapes
Shout out to a fellow educator. We’re in constant communication and enhancing our programs, especially in the Language Arts, by means of gamifying the learning experience and brainstorming the worldbuilding of the ‘fantasy’ Land of Study-a-Lot. Their Study Skills program is a hidden gem and in another life where the gaming world isn’t what it is, Gamerdad would be part of Elefpi Learnscapes - in a heartbeat.