We had just concluded our first, end of the year holiday program where a small band of brave young adventurers stepped out of their comfort zones to try something very new for a change!
Three young ladies and two courageous lads heeded the desperate call for help from a village chief.

Hero miniatures for them to choose from.

Their adventure begins after adding details about their characters with some serious shopping and information gathering as they visited various locations within the village.

Dice were rolled, monsters dispatched, puzzles solved and bandits caught – Including… The Crybaby Bandit! Name given because he cried running to his mum after the first encounter on Day 1.

Stories will be written about their exploits!

Village chief, Mister Teepot (name given by the children, because he was short and stout), thanked them for their services and hopes that they will stick around. Every village needs a hero, or two… or five, no?
#rpg, #d&d, #adventurers, #writers, #adventurersandwriters, #enrichment, #holidayprogram, #gamerdadsg, #childrenswriting, #storytelling, #roleplaying